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InTDS ArchivebyVinícius TrevisanUsing SHAP Values to Explain How Your Machine Learning Model WorksLearn to use a tool that shows how each feature affects every prediction of the modelJan 17, 20227Jan 17, 20227
InTDS ArchivebyS. T. LanierChoosing Performance MetricsAccuracy, recall, precision, F1 score — how do you choose a metric for judging model performance?Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
InMagebyTommy DANGerousThe definitive guide to Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for product developersAccuracy tells you how many times the ML model was correct overall. Precision is how good the model is at predicting a specific category.Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
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InTDS ArchivebyShiu-Tang LiAn interesting and intuitive view of AUCAUC, or area under ROC curve, is a metric widely used to evaluate model performance.Mar 11, 20193Mar 11, 20193
InTDS ArchivebyGaurav DemblaIntuition behind ROC-AUC scoreIn Machine Learning, classification problem refers to predictive modeling where a class label needs to be predicted for a given…Dec 9, 20206Dec 9, 20206
InTDS ArchivebyPrakhar RathiA Novel Approach to Feature Importance — Shapley Additive ExplanationsThe state-of-the-art in feature importanceJul 2, 20204Jul 2, 20204
InTDS ArchivebyScott LundbergInterpretable Machine Learning with XGBoostThis is a story about the danger of interpreting your machine learning model incorrectly, and the value of interpreting it correctly…Apr 17, 201849Apr 17, 201849
InTDS ArchivebyKhalil ZlaouiInterpretable Machine Learning using SHAP — theory and applicationsIntroductionOct 1, 2021Oct 1, 2021